Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Palladium Fantasy 1e - Shamans!

New week, new video! In this one I flip to p149 of the core book and go over the Shaman class, talking about what's interesting and somethings I don't care for with this class. Again these are my opinions, so not everyone will always agree! 

Listen to the video and then comment on  your experiences with this class, I am interested to see how you've changed it, improved and made it your own. I always find what others do with classes very interesting.

Let me know!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Palladium Fantasy 1e - Clergy: The Druid!

Flipping to page 146 of the book, we go over the Druid class, how it works, what advice I have for this class as well as ponder using the beastmaster class from Yin-Sloth Jungles. Listen in and tell me what you think!

Friday, October 29, 2021

Halloween 2021 Special - BTS - The Victims Game

Sit back and enjoy this Halloween themed episode for Railguns & Dragons, as I have Steven Dawes from join me and talk about his experiences playing the Victims games, located in the BTS 1e core book, p197. 
This was a really interesting episode, because while I've always seen this in the back of the book, I've never actually used it, as I didn't think anyone would be interested in it. As a huge fan of horror and thriller movies, this seemed right up my alley. 
I could easily run a Slasher stalker type adventure for fun. So listen in as Steve who is a master at BTS, gives some solid advice at convincing your group to play, to even running the monster of the "movie". It was a fun episode!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Palladium Fantasy - Clergy - Priests!

In this video, I am back on the table for another point of view video, Some folks have requested more videos like this, so I figured let's try it again. Anyhow, in this video, I am going over the Clergy OCC, Priests and the powers their Gods have bestowed upon them! 
Sitting down talking about Clergy today in the Palladium Fantasy world. I am not sure if I like this video style still, but some folks did comment they wanted it again, so here you go! Enjoy! Like, Comment, share :)
Tell me what you think?

Friday, October 22, 2021

House Rules - Fantasy 1e - Armor/Shield Maintenance


Something that always bugged me was that in Palladium Fantasy 1e (far as the core book is concerned) does not go into detail or cover anything about Armor & Shield repair/maintenance. So I've come up with some house rules to make things a bit easier to make it happen.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

House Rules - Fantasy 1e - Called Shots


This mostly applies to Fantasy 1e, but can work for any edition of any game that doesn't clearly have rules defined for this situation. 

In later editions, called shots takes up 2 actions to get a -4 (Head/Arm/Leg) and aiming your shot, which added a +2, ate up another action. So basically you'd be burning 3 actions to hit someone directly in a certain area that you picked (Head/Arm/Leg). 

In my game, a called shot is normally -4, which would be looking to hit a Head/Arm/Leg, rolling above an 17. If the player rolls below an 18, they missed the target as its such a small area to hit, they were off by a small bit and the melee weapon or ranged weapon just misses its target.

Now if someone wants to hit a smaller target, like a hand, a foot, a knee or even a crotch (Hey its been attempted!) its even harder to hit those areas, making a -8 to hit, having to hit a target of 18.

Now of course all this is kind pointless if the AR is reaching 19 or 20...but that's not a worry right now and I can handle it in a case by case basis.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Northern Hinterlands™ Overview & Thoughts

Welcome to another video! In this video I explain and go over book #13, the Northern Hinterlands. Talking about the new information that's in this book, the new OCCs, new magical items, new rules about snow & ice conditions, a great book to add to your pile of resources to mine for information in your campaign, whether you play 1e or 2e, this book is very useful. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

BTS - Interview with Steven Dawes, Creature Feature!

Welcome to another video. This time I changed it up a bit as I had a chance to sit down with Steven Dawes of website and author of the new Creature Feature book coming soon from Palladium Games. In this interview we talk about Steven's background as a Supernatural Ghost Hunter, how he got involved in gaming, What to expect in Creature Feature with some sample art and some General advice for running BTS. Check it out! 

Friday, October 8, 2021

House Rules - Fantasy 1e - Traps & Locating them


As anyone knows who reads my blog, listens to my YouTube videos and actual plays for the Palladium Megaverse Podcast, I tend to run the earlier systems for Palladium games. That's because I grew up playing these games and I felt I really didn't need to update things. I felt the games were good enough on their own and if there was an issue, I can always house rule it to my liking. That's the type of game/system I enjoy and as a GM, I love the challenge of figuring out how to make things work.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Fantasy 1e - Mind Mage!

In this episode, I flip to page 123 of the core book, going over the mind mage class, the abilities and then talk a little about the psionics in general. I thought this was a fun class, but probably not something I'd include in my fantasy game, I just don't like mixing Psionic abilities with fantasy. This has always been a personal preference that I've had with all games, not just Palladium. Hey if I am running the game, I can do as I please. If you are running it and included it, I would never say a peep!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Palladium Fantasy - Adventures in the Northern Wilderness Overview & Thoughts

Welcome to another video! In this video, I go over a book that got me thinking back in the day about adventures in the snow & ice. This book is out of print and replaced by another book, but is still full of great ideas and information for your 1e campaign. I think its a valued addition to anyone's book shelf if you run Palladium Fantasy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Palladium Fantasy 1e - The Summoner!

Today we flip to page 113 of the 1e book and talk about Summoners. I also give some advice on how to handle circles and the possible abuse of the class. I am also going to reference Book 3, High Seas P24 to answer some questions about summoners as the core 1e book leaves things too open.

Want to grab a PDF? Head over to Drivethrurpg and support my show! These are affiliated links, each click supports my shows:
Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

Monday, September 20, 2021

TLDL: Palladium Fantasy Recap - Session 1

A new series I started on my channel to give reports on how my game was going, called Too Long Didn't Listen, because you can listen to each and every game session my group goes through over at but as we know, most people don't really care for actual plays, even if they are 1 hour or less.

So I came up with a video series, to compact the recaps into small bite sized chunks where a person can enjoy it and get some DM insight on how things went and what I tried. 

Seems to have gone over well!

Want to grab a PDF? Head over to Drivethrurpg and support my show! These are affiliated links, each click supports my shows:
Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Monday, August 2, 2021

House Rule - Memory Recall


There comes a time in your campaign that you've given out some important information and it flew past your players, or maybe some time passed between gaming sessions and no one remembers or wrote it down. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Fantasy 1e - The Warlock

In this very episode we flip to the pages of 76, 77 and 78 to talk about the Warlock, a fun class to play and a good class for a newbie who wants something more then just a melee person. A wide range of things to choose from, this class has a lot to offer. Experienced players can be really inventive with this class in how you use the spells!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

House Rule - Skill rolls, when the character doesn't have the skill..


There comes a time in game a player will want to do something with his character, but does not have the skill for it and its frustrating to that player and even more frustrating when no one in the party has the skill as well. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Fantasy 1e - Wizard OCC

Flipping to p 51 in the Fantasy 1e book, we go over the Wizard Class and is quoted as one of the more difficult classes to play out of the Magic Classes. Decided to break this out as its own video, due to the amount of things that needed going over. 23 minutes is a little longer then I normally like, but it is what it is, I hope you enjoy :) 

Want to grab a PDF? Head over to Drivethrurpg and support my show! These are affiliated links, each click supports my shows:
Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

Monday, July 26, 2021

House Rule - Ways of handling Multiple Attacks?


So everyone has their methods of how to handle multiple attacks in the Palladium system.. Some of the early systems like Palladium Fantasy 1e, the Mechanoids and a few others had 1 attack and slow progression towards more then one attack. Later on with games like Heroes Unlimited, TMNT and RIFTS we see that some characters get 4 to 5 attacks right out of the gate. 

So what are some ways to handle it.. well what I do is this.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Fantasy 1e - Men of Arms Part 2

Finishing up the Men of Arms OCC's in this episode and giving my thoughts on the whole Knight vs Palladin structure. Let me know what you think?

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Fantasy 1e - Men of Arms Part 1

Kicking things off today, I start the video talking a little bit about attributes and the differences in this game from the rest of the Palladium games and then jump into the first three classes in Men of Arms Consider Supporting me!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

What is SDC in Palladium Fantasy 1e?

I did a short video explaing exactly what SDC is in Palladium Fantasy 1e in hopes to help those out there who maybe confused by it. Personally I think its rather simple in 1e Fantasy world as it got a little more complex as the game evolved.

House Rule: Ambidextrous

 Mom Drawing With Both Her Hands Ambidextrous - YouTube

Not everyone can be ambidextrous, its not something you can easily do; I BELIEVE overtime you can train yourself to use your other hand, but its not a very easy journey to take. Thus in roleplaying games I like to ask players to determine what is their dominate hand, mostly because I am tired of not knowing and when it comes to a character losing a hand, or arm.. the player always saying, "well good thing that I was a LEFTY instead of a RIGHTY!" When their right hand gets injured.

Fantasy 1e - Overview & Thoughts

Continuing along with this series... Today we are picking up the Palladium Fantasy 1e Revised book as this will kick off the next set of videos. In this video, I am doing a general overview from the table, giving my thoughts on it.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Special Training!


We finally reach the end of Heroes Unlimited with flipping to p153 of the revised book, we look at the 5 special training options you can pick from. Some better then others, but you decide, listen in and follow along. Longer then normal video, I apologize, but I wanted to cover it all. Enjoy!

What’s next after Heroes Unlimited? Here’s a hint #Shorts


Just a small little teaser as I was playing around with Youtube Shorts. This is what I am going to cover next. Fantasy 1e, I look forward to the dive into this book and sharing the experience with you all!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Robotics Class

Flipping to P136, we look at ROBOTICS! Build your Suit of armor or be Iron man, sure why not? Its a fun class to build, but is it fun to play? you tell me!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Psionics Class

Flip to p 126/127 as I go over this class with you. This class might be fun to play as it has all sorts of neat mind powers you can pick. I also provide some solutions to the limitation of powers that you are given for players who feel the class is stale.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

RailGuns & Dragons - Heroes Unlimited - Physical Training

Flipping to P123 of the Heroes Unlimited Basic Revised book, we take a look at an often disregarded class in the book. Most people find it boring, but it could be really interesting... take a listen.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Mutants


Flipping to p109 in the basic revised book, we look at the different types of mutants and take a closer look at the cut down version of the BIO-E creation system from TMNT.

Rolling up Mutant characters can be a lot of fun, and the designing a mutant animal character is a blast, I do wish they added a little more in the book and not used some examples from the Turtles book, which were not in the HU book.. But then again, they expected everyone to have the book based on the sales of it. Luckily I do, the original and the revised. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Magic Characters P2


Continuing along with the book, here is part 2, Wizard/Illusionists and Magically bestowed characters from the book!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

RailGuns & Dragons - Heroes Unlimited - Magic Characters, Part 1


The episodes are back and let's continue on with where I left off, Magic Characters, this part 1 of probably 2 or 3 parts. Magical weapon and object characters.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

RailGuns & Dragons - Heroes Unlimited - Experiments!

Hey folks, new week, new episode. In this episode I sit down and talk about the Experiment class, along with option B the Super Soldier.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Palladium Character Sheet

 Link to PDF

 I was asked in one of my videos as a comment, what does the character sheet look like that I use for my games at and the answer to that is, its a really simple character sheet I made that's form fill-able. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but my group used it and liked it. So here it is.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

RailGuns & Dragons - Heroes Unlimited - Talking Bionics

A new week, a new episode. This week I dive into the Bionics character class and give some advice on how I go about building the class. Another class I really liked, listen in and see how its built!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Talking Aliens!


Decided to try a new perspective for this episode as a test and see how I like it, looking down on the book while talking. I may or may not do this again, but we'll see. Anyhow, I go over the Alien OCC in this video.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Determining Super Abilities & Powers

In this video I continue along the path and talk about Determining your super power category as well as if you need to roll for you super powers.

Not much to really expand upon here, I was continuing along with the book and how the character process works.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Halloween Special - Dead Reign Review & Thoughts

This episode originally aired around Halloween time and I was tired of doing the same old same old on my channel, Ravenloft or Vampire games. I wanted to do something different.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Skill Programs & Secondary Skills

Talking about how education works. How to roll your skill programs and how to pick your secondary skills. Explaining the differences between skill program skills vs secondary skills.

I did this video because I found a lot of people were confused about how the skill programs and secondary skills work. I kept getting a lot of questions about it.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - HP, SDC, Recovery & Comas

Continuing along with the series.. this video has talk about how HP works, what is SDC? Why are there so any SDCs? How do I recover HP? What happens when I reach zero HP? So we talk all that plus comas. I know these are small details in the book and you can easily go over them, I wanted to touch upon them because I know a lot people who learn by watching videos with others going over things. I guess you can chalk it up to visual learning. I know I benefit a lot from visual learning. I can learn from reading, but I enjoy it more when someone talks it out for me.

Want to grab a PDF? Head over to Drivethrurpg and support my show! These are affiliated links, each click supports my shows:
Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Heroes Unlimited Character Creation with Geoff

In this episode I decided to bring in a player from my Heroes Unlimited game, to do a live stream on my channel of making his character. I wanted to show folks the process we go through with visuals and talking through the reasons. I think it turned out well and while its clocked in at 90 minutes (almost) it was a fine example of how the character creation works in real time vs me just explaining it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Attributes & Rolling

Wanted to go over the 8 attributes that standard through out all Palladium games, the method of rolling, exceptional attributes and what the differences are between Revised vs 2e along the way. I always find rolling stats to be a fun and surprising experience. Sometimes you roll so good and you are like, my character will be a bad ass, and other times you are like, "meh" and need to roll again. How do you allow the rolls? 3d6 straight down the line? or 3d6 and place as you please?

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - No Mega Heroes here (overview video and thoughts)


Kicking things off, I will be talking about Heroes Unlimited Revised edition and touching upon 2e when talking about the two. In this video I am going over why I loved Revised vs 2.

Monday, June 7, 2021

2019 X-Mas Surprise Package

In 2019, I decided to take a gamble and grab the surprise Christmas package from Palladium. I've never done this in all the years I've played palladium or followed palladium, but I always heard good things about. So I dove in and decided to get it. Here is the results of what I got from the package. I was generally happy, but bummed I didn't get a hat or a shirt. Wish I got a shirt. Enjoy!

Friday, June 4, 2021

Email Question: What Books do I Own?


I did a short video of the books I own as I was asked how many books do you have? While this isn't all of the books I own, this is a good portion of them. I have another box full of books I have not unearthed and completely forgot about. 

It was actually fun to find a box I forgot about or thought was already empty to find various books I SWORE I had, but just couldn't find them. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

I love Palladium RPGs and why you should too!



So I love #Palladium RPGs and you should too, here are my reasons why I love them, and maybe you'll agree with me and maybe you won't. BUT I am hoping you'll take a second look at the games they produce and check them. Especially if you are tired of the same old same old d20 stuff.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Palladium Role-Playing Game (2e Fantasy) Character Creation steps


As requested by viewer Michael C. Here is a quick cheat sheet for creating characters in Fantasy 2e. As always, these are my opinions and maybe you and your group do things differently folks, so always check with your GM first as he may have a house ruled document for character creation. #PFRPG2e #Palladium #PalladiumFantasy 


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Palladium Role-Playing Game (1e Fantasy) Character Creation


Welcome to what I believe will be a new series on this channel, which will be talking about all things #Palladium. In this episode I talk about character creation in #PalladiumFantasy1e. I did not see any videos talking about how to create characters and I know the 1e rules can be a bit confusing, so here is my quick cheat sheet.