Friday, June 4, 2021

Email Question: What Books do I Own?


I did a short video of the books I own as I was asked how many books do you have? While this isn't all of the books I own, this is a good portion of them. I have another box full of books I have not unearthed and completely forgot about. 

It was actually fun to find a box I forgot about or thought was already empty to find various books I SWORE I had, but just couldn't find them. 


You know what I am mean, I think every gamer goes through this at some point when you pick back up a game you haven't played in a while, especially after a move. You kind of sit there saying, "huh, didn't I have this book and that book" and you go running around your gaming room or your storage closet and even start looking on your shelves, wondering where these book had gone to.

You even start thinking, "did I imagine having them" as you start to give up and then one day, you aren't even looking and you find the "holy grail" of boxes and when you open you go, "I KNEW IT!" and then you proceed to hug the books. heh. 

Want to grab a PDF? Head over to Drivethrurpg and support my show! These are affiliated links, each click supports my shows:
Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

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