Sunday, June 13, 2021

Halloween Special - Dead Reign Review & Thoughts

This episode originally aired around Halloween time and I was tired of doing the same old same old on my channel, Ravenloft or Vampire games. I wanted to do something different.


So I figured since I was on a Palladium kick, why not talk about Dead Reign? Its a decent setting and has the ability to make Oridinary survivors for the campaign, instead of powerful classes. One thing I decided to do was take it another level and start from Day 0, as the outbreak happened, and see how the players handle their characters. That's how I got season 1 of my actual play podcast (links on the sidebar!).

Want to grab a PDF? Head over to Drivethrurpg and support my show! These are affiliated links, each click supports my shows:
Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

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