Monday, June 21, 2021

Heroes Unlimited - Hardware Characters!

Flipping to page 72 of the revised rules, I will discuss the three options for hardware characters. 

Honestly this character seems like a secondary character compare to all other classes, and while with some genius thinking, you can make this class a bad ass (just listen to how Steven did it in the actual play). 

It just takes a lot of work because you have to use your smarts and the gear you are able to use, such as weapons or vehicles... Hmm speaking of which... I think a certain Michael Knight Character needs to make his Kitt.

David Hasselhoff is auctioning off his personal K.I.T.T. car from the  iconic 'Knight Rider' series - CNN

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Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

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