Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Palladium Role-Playing Game (2e Fantasy) Character Creation steps


As requested by viewer Michael C. Here is a quick cheat sheet for creating characters in Fantasy 2e. As always, these are my opinions and maybe you and your group do things differently folks, so always check with your GM first as he may have a house ruled document for character creation. #PFRPG2e #Palladium #PalladiumFantasy 


Here is my cheat sheet:

◘ Step 0 Concepts: Determine the class/race you'd like to be after glancing over the book. 

◘ Step 1 Determine Race: Flip to page 288, ask the GM what races are okay you never know if he is restricting some? Take the time to write down all the modifiers involved with your race and specials abilities. 

◘ Step 2 Roll attributes: This can vary from GM to GM so ask, but by the book look at the race and see what to roll, roll them in order of the attribute as its listed. Humans get the ability to roll an additional 1d6 if any of his attributes are 16, 17 or 18. Non-humans only get an exceptional roll if they are rolling a 2d6, if they happen to get a 12, they may roll an additional d6, adding it to the total. P16 for bonus chart to see what you need to add. Keep this on a scrap paper, you maybe modifying them. 

◘ Step 3 Determine Psionics (optional): Flip to page 20/21, and roll percentile dice, see if you get psionic abilities. You are allowed to skip this step, or ask your GM if this step is being skipped. 

◘ Step 4 Choose your OCC: p 73 for Clergy, P94 for Men of Arms, p96 for Optional OCCs, P245 for Practitioners of Magic, p161 for Psychics. Again, ask your GM if there is any restrictions. Also check your OCC if it has additional requirements, if you don't meet the requirements, don't fret you may pick up a skill or something that will boost up your attributes to get to that requirement or ask your GM if it can be waived. P83 for longbow 

◘ Step 5 Determine skills: Start pick, looking and adding up your skills to further flesh out your character, starting at p47 with your hand to hand combat and into the skills list on page 49. Side note: coordinate with your group/GM if there is going to be a common language. I know my former GM used to just allow everyone to speak a common tongue with a certain percentage for free, writing is a different story of course. 

◘ Step 6 Bonuses and magical abilities: This is where you take all the little bonuses from whatever skills you picked add them to where ever they need to go. 

◘ Step 7 SDC and HP: Add up your SDC/HP, back to 18. Hit points are Physical endurance (PE) + 1d6. remember this is for standard allowed races, anything supernatural or custom is listed in the actual race itself or see your GM if they want to change this up. SDC for men at arms is 3d6, everyone else gets a 1d6, remember to check to see if you get any bonuses to this because of a skill such as boxing or body building, then roll your 3d6 or 1d6. 

◘ Step 8 Determine your alignment: Ask your GM if there is any restrictions, and then flip to page 23, pick away. 

◘ Step 9 Money and equipment: Money is determined by your OCC, as well as your basic starting equipment. 

◘ Step 10 Background and info: This step is completely optional, ask your GM, p32 shows things like birth order, weight, height, disposition, age, land of origin, social background and hostilities..etc. You can use some of them, all of them or none of them, up to you and the GM.  

Want to grab a PDF? Head over to Drivethrurpg and support my show! These are affiliated links, each click supports my shows:
Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

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