Tuesday, June 29, 2021

RailGuns & Dragons - Heroes Unlimited - Physical Training

Flipping to P123 of the Heroes Unlimited Basic Revised book, we take a look at an often disregarded class in the book. Most people find it boring, but it could be really interesting... take a listen.
I have had players flat out ignore this class and snub their nose up at it. Not sure why because its a really interesting class that does have some fun abilities. 
Like I said, sure you wont be flying around and melting things with your eyes, but you can sure as hell punch and take a beating!

Want to grab a PDF? Head over to Drivethrurpg and support my show! These are affiliated links, each click supports my shows:
Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

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