Monday, July 26, 2021

House Rule - Ways of handling Multiple Attacks?


So everyone has their methods of how to handle multiple attacks in the Palladium system.. Some of the early systems like Palladium Fantasy 1e, the Mechanoids and a few others had 1 attack and slow progression towards more then one attack. Later on with games like Heroes Unlimited, TMNT and RIFTS we see that some characters get 4 to 5 attacks right out of the gate. 

So what are some ways to handle it.. well what I do is this.


Round 1
Player 1 (5 attacks) 2/2/1
Foe 1    (4 attacks) 1/2/1
Player 2 (4 attacks) 2/1/1
Foe 2    (6 attacks) 2/2/2
Player 3 (6 attacks) 2/2/2
Player 4 (7 attacks) 2/3/2

I split up the attacks into 3 to 4 mini- segments.. placing the players & monsters/NPCs in initiative order, dividing their attacks up between the segments.

So in this case on player 1's turn, he uses 2 attacks, then it moves to the next person in initiative, which is Foe 1, he gets an attack off, provided he didn't dodge from Player 1's attack. Remember, Dodges cost an action, unless you have auto dodge.

Once I go down the line.. and everyone has gone, we move back to player 1. 

As the GM, you'll have to keep track if anyone dodges, alerting the player that it will absorb one attack from a future segment before they do it.

You keep doing this until everyone with attacks has gone, new round happens.

Method 2

I used this during Dead Reign.

Take the total number of attacks, divide it in half, and that's how many actions your character has. When it comes to hitting and damage the damage total is multiplied by 2. Making each hit seem more important now. Players will have to decide, should I use all my attacks or save one for a dodge? 

How do you handle it?

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