Monday, September 20, 2021

TLDL: Palladium Fantasy Recap - Session 1

A new series I started on my channel to give reports on how my game was going, called Too Long Didn't Listen, because you can listen to each and every game session my group goes through over at but as we know, most people don't really care for actual plays, even if they are 1 hour or less.

So I came up with a video series, to compact the recaps into small bite sized chunks where a person can enjoy it and get some DM insight on how things went and what I tried. 

Seems to have gone over well!

Want to grab a PDF? Head over to Drivethrurpg and support my show! These are affiliated links, each click supports my shows:
Palladium Fantasy 1e book
Palladium Fantasy 2e book
RIFTS Ultimate Edition
Game Master Kit
Heroes Unlimited 1e Basic
Heroes Unlimited 2e

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