Friday, October 22, 2021

House Rules - Fantasy 1e - Armor/Shield Maintenance


Something that always bugged me was that in Palladium Fantasy 1e (far as the core book is concerned) does not go into detail or cover anything about Armor & Shield repair/maintenance. So I've come up with some house rules to make things a bit easier to make it happen.

On page 43 of the core rule book we get a a little info that talks about if armor is damaged, and how its AR is reduced, as well as the cost of repairing armor, by yourself and professionally.

The one I would like to focus on is the Self Repair. It does not go into detail how its done and who can do it? Anyone provided they have time? I think not.

If we look at the High Seas Book 3, we see we get a skill that will help with this situation, a General Repair/Maintenance Skill.

and it has a chart to look at that will show how well its done and depending on how well the player rolls, the quicker he can repair the armor.

So if a character is attempting to fix his armor and has say Soft Leather and he is level 2, he can attempt the repair, provided he has an armor repair kit (see below) he would need to roll the second number listed there to see if how quickly he can repair it. Should he roll under his number, the GM would roll a d4 for Light Armor and a d6 for heavy armor. This is the time that has been knocked off the listed time for repair. Should the player roll and fail it will revert back to the normal time listed on the chat above. Note: that regardless of the roll, it will always be a minimum of 1 hour to repair.

I know that's not how its listed in High Seas, but this is my house rule, so I can do as I please with my games to make it work! 

Any Men of Arms character gets this skill as an OCC skill with a bonus of +10% to start.

I feel Men of Arms would know this skill and can't always afford or wait to find a blacksmith to repair their armor. Men of Arms in my eyes is anything other then the optional OCCs, Assassin and Thief.

BUT the catch is, that the more advanced the armor gets, the more likely they will need to seek out a town for the proper equipment to repair their own armor. Because once you get into heavy armor, like chain mail and up, you can't simply get away with patching up big holes or pulling it back together so easily.

Repairing cloth, Leather, you can get away with that out in the wild while camping or in a small village and in fact if you have the tailoring skill you can repair the lighter armors (skill need the kit!).

Armor repair kits

Basically this is something a character can buy from a blacksmith or general store (for lighter armors) to have on them in case they need to repair their armor. The price is listed as show on p43 under self repair. Should a character NOT have this, they can not repair their armor.


There really isn't much with Shields, except getting some bonuses for Parry and if you want to throw it, but what about them breaking?

- Wooden & Leather shields should hold up in combat for a at least a weeks time or so, if you are using it to parry weapons, but should you start using to bash and charge, it will break easily after a few times of bashing, its not meant to withstand all that pressure.

- Iron Shields should be fine and hold up for quite some time, needing repair every once in a while if used for parrying & blocking. Shield bashing will cause it to deteriorate faster over time.

So there you have it.

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