Thursday, October 21, 2021

House Rules - Fantasy 1e - Called Shots


This mostly applies to Fantasy 1e, but can work for any edition of any game that doesn't clearly have rules defined for this situation. 

In later editions, called shots takes up 2 actions to get a -4 (Head/Arm/Leg) and aiming your shot, which added a +2, ate up another action. So basically you'd be burning 3 actions to hit someone directly in a certain area that you picked (Head/Arm/Leg). 

In my game, a called shot is normally -4, which would be looking to hit a Head/Arm/Leg, rolling above an 17. If the player rolls below an 18, they missed the target as its such a small area to hit, they were off by a small bit and the melee weapon or ranged weapon just misses its target.

Now if someone wants to hit a smaller target, like a hand, a foot, a knee or even a crotch (Hey its been attempted!) its even harder to hit those areas, making a -8 to hit, having to hit a target of 18.

Now of course all this is kind pointless if the AR is reaching 19 or 20...but that's not a worry right now and I can handle it in a case by case basis.


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