Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Chaos Earth History Part 4

Its 2099, and its hell on earth. Listen in as I talk about the new year and how earth is handling the situation. Thanks for all the great comments if you'd like to consider supporting me -

Friday, September 9, 2022

Chaos Earth History - Part 3

Its time for part 3 of the chaos on the planet earth of this awesome RPG called Chaos Earth by Palladium Games

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Chaos Earth History - Part 2

In this very episode I go over the history of Chaos Earth, but today is the day the chaos started. Dec 22nd, the day everything went bat crazy, demons and monsters showing up out of now where, cities being destroyed by natural disasters, the planet has changed for ever starting today.

Tell me what you think?

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Chaos Earth - History Part 1

In this very episode I go over the history of Chaos Earth, explaining what happened to mankind over the years. Chaos Earth has a very detailed history of things that happened and its a very fun read to see what you can pull out of it. If you are someone like me who enjoys running a game at day 0, instead of the day after, then this history video is for you!

Tell me what you think?

Friday, June 24, 2022

Chaos Earth - Overview & Thoughts

Start of a new book series here on my channel, Chaos Earth. Here is just an overview look at the book and my initial thoughts on it. In the future I plan on deep diving into this book, going over the timeline, history and OCC's listed in this book.

Have you played in a campaign for this book? What are you experiences with it? How have you used it?

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Fantasy 1e Armor House Rules Chat

If you are like me, then after playing a certain game for a long time, makes you want to tweak or adjust it to see what happens. As GMs, its always interesting to see what would break a game. Today I decided to go over my house rules for Armor changes. Let me know what you think!

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Fantasy 1e Question about NPCs & Monster write ups

Today's video, I was asked a question about why there is no standard monsters in Palladium Fantasy, much like how D&D has the monster manuals and basic stat blocks for creatures. Tim wanted to know, so I decided to do a video on it, trying to answer why? I also give an example of what I write down when creating creature encounters for my daily adventure.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e SDC Armor changes


I am always looking for ways to change things up in the game, making it easier for book keeping, making combat a bit easier on myself and the players. I seem to always forget to bother with SDC, and will often just say, "that's a miss". Well there is a system in place and a GM has a lot to worry about, not only for the NPC, but the PCs as well. 

Friday, April 29, 2022

High Seas: Let's Talk about CURSES!

Today we continue per request with the High Seas Book, and we flip to page 46 and chat a little about curses, my experiences with them and how it can be fun to include them in your game with these guidelines.

Had a lot of fun with Curses, especially in my Palladium Fantasy 1e Actual Play Podcast. You can find it on all major platforms, but here is direct link to it via the website! It starts back up again this weekend!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - Small Update: Beyond the Supernatural & The Alchemist OCC

In today's video we get an update on what's going in my life, why I am not attending Palladium Open house, my possible streaming game Beyond the Supernatural, right on this channel and then ended the video going over and giving some advice about the Alchemist OCC and how it can be interesting.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Let's chat about Experience Point Rewards and leveling up.

I wanted to sit down today and do a video chatting about experience rewards and leveling up. Some people I've played with have D&D like expectations for experience and leveling up.

This video was to go over what the charts look like and how combat isn't always the answer to gaining experence points. Kevin even goes to on to explain in his comments about how using skills, talking and figure out ways to do something will give you far more experience then slashing it with a sword or firing a gun.

If you have thoughts on this let me know, I'd love to hear them!

Friday, April 8, 2022

Where to start with Palladium Fantasy 1e?

Now this is my opinion and only just one opinion. I did leave out the Old Ones book 2, before anyone comments, I really don't use that book at all, so thus it slipped my mind! After a few people had asked me this question, I decided maybe a video would be helpful, with my thoughts on what I think would help someone who is just starting out and wants to learn how to kick things off with Fantasy 1e. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - The Prestidigitator

Continuing along in the High Seas Book, we flip to p23 and chat a little about The Prestidigitator class and go over the new skills such as Juggling and public speaking!

Friday, March 18, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - Bard, Actor and Minstrel!

Join me as I flip to p23 of the PDF and chat a little about the Bard, Actor and Minstrel. Tell me what you think and if you've had these classes used in your campaigns!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - High Seas: Acrobat & Tumbler

Time for another new video and this week we flip to p20 in the book, and talk a little about the acrobat & Tumbler classes.. Have you used these classes?

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - Original Fantasy Commemorative Book, First look!

Just got the 1st Edition Palladium Fantasy RPG® Foil Hardcover Commemorative book today and its a wonderful book and if you are a book collector, and enjoy special limited releases, this book is for you!
This book is beyond gorgeous and I am happy to have this book in my collection, if you love these types of books they are for you, I do not recommend buying them to actually use, these are keep on the shelf, talking point type books.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - High Seas: Pirate & Sailor Class

Flipping to page 17 of book 3: we take a look at the pirate and sailor classes as they are mostly similar, let's see what differences we can find!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - High Seas: Gladiator Class

More Palladium goodness, as I promised I would dive into the other classes that are available for Palladium Fantasy 1e. Flip on over to page 14 in the book and let's chat about this Gladiator class. Tell me what you think?

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - Adventures on the high seas overview & thoughts

Time for a new book in the fantasy line, this time I am going over the wonderful book and all the things the high seas has available to you before we dive into some of it in a future video.