Friday, April 29, 2022

High Seas: Let's Talk about CURSES!

Today we continue per request with the High Seas Book, and we flip to page 46 and chat a little about curses, my experiences with them and how it can be fun to include them in your game with these guidelines.

Had a lot of fun with Curses, especially in my Palladium Fantasy 1e Actual Play Podcast. You can find it on all major platforms, but here is direct link to it via the website! It starts back up again this weekend!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - Small Update: Beyond the Supernatural & The Alchemist OCC

In today's video we get an update on what's going in my life, why I am not attending Palladium Open house, my possible streaming game Beyond the Supernatural, right on this channel and then ended the video going over and giving some advice about the Alchemist OCC and how it can be interesting.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Let's chat about Experience Point Rewards and leveling up.

I wanted to sit down today and do a video chatting about experience rewards and leveling up. Some people I've played with have D&D like expectations for experience and leveling up.

This video was to go over what the charts look like and how combat isn't always the answer to gaining experence points. Kevin even goes to on to explain in his comments about how using skills, talking and figure out ways to do something will give you far more experience then slashing it with a sword or firing a gun.

If you have thoughts on this let me know, I'd love to hear them!

Friday, April 8, 2022

Where to start with Palladium Fantasy 1e?

Now this is my opinion and only just one opinion. I did leave out the Old Ones book 2, before anyone comments, I really don't use that book at all, so thus it slipped my mind! After a few people had asked me this question, I decided maybe a video would be helpful, with my thoughts on what I think would help someone who is just starting out and wants to learn how to kick things off with Fantasy 1e. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Palladium Fantasy 1e - The Prestidigitator

Continuing along in the High Seas Book, we flip to p23 and chat a little about The Prestidigitator class and go over the new skills such as Juggling and public speaking!