Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Healer Class, Adding more abilities.
As someone who enjoys creating and homebrewing in RPGs, I felt that the class needed a few more abilities to keep it fresh and exciting at higher levels. So I sat down and came up with some new ideas for level 4 and level 5 abilities that would enhance the Healer's repertoire.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Palladium Fantasy 1e Armor Breakdown and Costs for Repair (new)
While I have changed up the Armor Rules from how it works, removing SDC and providing a Damage Resistance to the armor, there is no way for the armor to break down and become useless like how the original rules intended. I know my group liked this method better because they didn’t have to track SDC and then remember to repair it and when SDC gets to a certain point the armor doesn’t provide as much cover.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Adopting Perception Rules from The Rifter 13
Since Palladium Fantasy 1e does not have a form of “Perception” like later editions do such as Dead Reign, Nightbane and Rifts Ultimate Edition, I had to figure a way to incorporate it into the game. Looking at The RIFTER #13, we get some answers on page 16, which is later adopted into the game engine as a whole and Palladium themselves recommend using it for all systems.
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Chaos Earth - Silver Eagle Pilot OCC
Its 2099, and its hell on earth. Listen in as I talk about NEMA's Silver Eagle Pilot OCC, and ways it could be fun in your campaign.
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Monday, January 23, 2023
Palladium Fantasy - Sword of Paralysis
I wrote this one up many years ago in my GM notebook when I was actually using a notebook. I am mostly digital now using Obsidian Notes as my GM notebook now. Its a lot easier to maintain and I can access it anywhere. Also my hand writing has gotten worse over the years and my hands often hurt if I write for a long period of time. Oh well, getting old...
Sword of Paralysis
Type Large Sword approx 5 lbs
Length is 3 feet
Damage Standard (Bonuses do apply)
Bonuses +2S, +2P, +2D
Notes: On a natural roll of 19 or 20 the target must make a saving throw vs Spell/Magic or be slowed. Slowed will reduce the target to 1 attack per melee/round and suffer -5S, -5P, -5D for 1d4 rounds.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Chaos Earth - Chromium Guardsman
Its 2099, and its hell on earth. Listen in as I talk about starting characters and the Chromium Guardsman OCC. Its the Glitter Boy OCC of Chaos Earth. The Players will love it.