Monday, January 23, 2023

Palladium Fantasy - Sword of Paralysis

 I wrote this one up many years ago in my GM notebook when I was actually using a notebook. I am mostly digital now using Obsidian Notes as my GM notebook now. Its a lot easier to maintain and I can access it anywhere. Also my hand writing has gotten worse over the years and my hands often hurt if I write for a long period of time. Oh well, getting old... 

Sword of Paralysis

Type Large Sword approx 5 lbs

Length is 3 feet

Damage Standard (Bonuses do apply)

Bonuses +2S, +2P, +2D

Notes: On a natural roll of 19 or 20 the target must make a saving throw vs Spell/Magic or be slowed. Slowed will reduce the target to 1 attack per melee/round and suffer -5S, -5P, -5D for 1d4 rounds.

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