Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Adopting Perception Rules from The Rifter 13


Since Palladium Fantasy 1e does not have a form of “Perception” like later editions do such as Dead Reign, Nightbane and Rifts Ultimate Edition, I had to figure a way to incorporate it into the game. Looking at The RIFTER #13, we get some answers on page 16, which is later adopted into the game engine as a whole and Palladium themselves recommend using it for all systems. 

I’ve snipped the answers they gave us and its pretty useful for Fantasy 1e and should give my players a better chance at finding things vs having to try to roll under their IQ.

I am listing this under house rules, because while technically its a standard rule in the Palladium system, its not a rule in earlier Palladium systems. It was first introduced into Nightbane when that came out in 1995, later discussed in The Rifter #13 which was 2001 and finally implemented into Rifts Ultimate Edition in 2005, which became the standard for all Palladium games.

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