Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Palladium Fantasy 1e Armor Breakdown and Costs for Repair (new)


While I have changed up the Armor Rules from how it works, removing SDC and providing a Damage Resistance to the armor, there is no way for the armor to break down and become useless like how the original rules intended. I know my group liked this method better because they didn’t have to track SDC and then remember to repair it and when SDC gets to a certain point the armor doesn’t provide as much cover.


Well after careful consideration, I’ve come up with the following EASY to use system for armor break down.

Every time a character gets hit and its above their A.R. and the damage is MORE than their Damage Resistance, they check a box off to represent the damage absorbed by their armor.

Example: John is playing a character wearing Hard Leather, with an Armor Rating of 10, Damage Resistance (DR) of 5. John gets hit with a 15 and takes 12 points of damage total. 12 points is above his DR, so he must check a box.

Example 2: Back with John again. This time John gets hit with a 14, but only takes 4 points of damage. John’s Armor will absorb that damage and he does not have to check a box because its below his DR number.



Half Boxes Left

Gold per hit box repair

Light Armor


4 box left


Heavy Armor (half)


6 boxes left


Heavy Armor (full)


8 Boxes left



When each Armor only has half of their check boxes left (See table above), their AR is reduced in half, and should they check all the boxes, their armor provides no protection at all, and they would need to buy new armor.

Armor that is damaged can be repaired by a blacksmith for the fees listed and can be done in a 2 to 4 hours.

A character who has the Armorer skill can repair armor as well but must roll his skill and represent him  doing it during downtime. Failed rolls will only push back the time frame by 2 hours each time.

I will discuss it with the group and see where they want to go. Unfortunately its either this or go back to using SDC. 

Edit: Good news, we've decided to roll with these changes.

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